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Saptha Chiranjeevis Fabric Doll set

Availability: Available on backorder

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There are seven Chiranjeevis as mentioned in Hinduism; Chiranjeevis are those who are believed to be still alive throughout this Kali Yuga. Chiranjeevi is a Sanskrit word which is a combination of two words “Chiram” which means “long” and “Jeevi” means “lived” beings that will live a very long life, so long that normal humans feel that they live for eternity; they started off as humans, but have received the boon/curse of eternal life; mortals can become Chiranjeevi by good deeds.

The Sapta Chiranjeevis mentioned in Hindu Puranas are :- (1) Ram Doot-Ram Bhakth-Pawanputra Hanuman (2) Vibhishana-Bibhishana (3) Parashurama (4) Mahabali-King Bali (5) Markandeya swamy (6) Veda Vyasa-Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa (7) Ashwatthama.


fully handmade fabric doll

height appx 12/13 inches

fiber face

fabric body

( for more details please whatsapp on +91 9664670479 )

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